The North Hills Soccer Club (NHSC) started as the Ross Area Soccer Association (RASA) in the 1970s with less than 100 players, most of whom were older players who played for their school teams.
With a growing interest in soccer in the early 1980s, theRASA began allowing younger children to join. By the mid-to-late 1980s, RASA had more than 500 registered players in the club. NHSC has continued to register more than 500 players each season, offering soccer programs for children between ages four and 18.
In 1991, RASA changed its name to the North Hills Soccer Club. By the mid-to-late 1990s, Reis Run and a number of local parks were being used for soccer matches.
In 1998-99, the North Hills School District completed the renovation of the Reis Run Soccer Complex that included locker rooms and a concession stand. The renovation allowed NHSC to hold all of its home games in one location, with access to a concession stand.
Over the years, the NHSC has been able to hold a variety of soccer camps at Reis Run. These have been jointly hosted with other organizations, including the North Hills School District, Major League Soccer and the Pittsburgh Riverhounds.
One of the more noteworthy accomplishments of NHSC has been its work with TOPSoccer, a program dedicated to providing soccer for children with disabilities. NHSC was one of the very first clubs in Western Pennsylvania to offer this program.
For over 30 years, NHSC has been particularly proud of its volunteers. All the accomplishments of the NHSC have depended on the volunteers. Whether it be working at the various fields on cleanup days, coaching the players, managing the paperwork or participating in fundraisers, the value of our volunteers cannot be overstated.